Friday, March 16, 2012

The American Legion Celebrates 93 Years

On the 15th of March, the American Legion celebrated it's 93rd Birthday. This day kind of came and went like most without any mention of this event in the local news. I should have promoted this event and written up something for the paper but like most I also was busy it seems and kind of let the day slip by.
Earlier in the week I was in Marshalltown, IA for work, and eating in a restuarant when a man wearing a VietNam Veteran hat sat a couple of seats down from me at the bar. I asked what branch he served in and he said the Marines and we struck up a conversation at that point. We talked about our time in service and about general items like the upcoming NCAA tournament and who we felt might be the stronger teams. He was a trucker and would be heading east in the morning and I was heading to Tama Paper to work there. As we finished our meals and drink and headed our separate ways I thanked him for his service and he thanked me for mine and then we wished each other the best the next day as we headed to work.
This sort of relationship with someone I never have met, but where we share a common bond is what service to country and the American Legion is all about. It's where like minded individuals that have served their country and come together to make sure that this nation never forgets what sacrifices our veterans make for them.
To the American Legion I wish a very Happy Birthday and to that trucker I met, keep it between the lines good buddy, 10-4 and God Bless. And to all you veterans Thank you for your service!