Monday, October 22, 2012

Veterans' Day 2012

This year has just flown by. I can't believe I haven't posted since Memorial Day weekend, but what better time than Veterans' Day to get back into posting.

The Le-Win High School is having a program on Monday, November 12 to honor our veterans. I have included copy of the program to this posting. If you can make it, it would be great and I'm sure the school would appreciate your attendence at this event.

Have a enjoyable and well deserved Veterans' Day. It's because of the veterans and their service to this country that we have this holiday.

The Navy Vet

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

While this weekend signals the start of summer, it is a time when veterans and families reflect, remember and honor those that sacrificed to give us the freedoms we enjoy. If you can, please do participate in some of the Memorial Day festivities in your area. Lena Memorial Day activities are following:

Friday, May 25 and Saturday, May 26 - Memorial Day Weekend commences in Lena with “Poppy Days”. The American Legion Family (Legion, Legion Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion) will be distributing poppies at various locations on these days.

Monday, May 28, Memorial Day - The American Legion Auxiliary will be serving breakfast from 7 – 9:30 AM at the Legion, located at 316 W. Main in Lena.

Memorial Day Parade 10 AM - The parade begins from the Legion home to Lena Burial Park and the Veterans’ Memorial. All veterans and active duty service men or women are welcome to join us in the march to the Veterans’ Memorial and back after the ceremony. If you wish to do this please be at the Legion by 9:45 AM at the latest. Also participating in the parade will be all members of the American Legion Family, Miss Poppy (Avery Baldauf), Boy Scout Troop 91, Le-Win High School band and Choir.


Memorial Day Program “For God and Country” – The program at the Veterans’ Memorial will be led by Lena American Legion Commander David Trumble. This program includes selections by the Le-Win High School Band and Choir. The Guest Speaker will be Pastor Rick Bader of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Lena IL. The names of our departed comrades will be read by Robert Bing Wells, who has been doing this for many years. After the reading of names there will be a Firing Squad salute and playing of Taps. At the conclusion of the program we will march to the memorial on Main Street by the cannon for the playing of the National Anthem and raising of the flag there and then finish our march back to the Legion home at 316 W. Main.

In case of rain - the ceremony will be conducted in the Le-Win High School gymnasium.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The American Legion Celebrates 93 Years

On the 15th of March, the American Legion celebrated it's 93rd Birthday. This day kind of came and went like most without any mention of this event in the local news. I should have promoted this event and written up something for the paper but like most I also was busy it seems and kind of let the day slip by.
Earlier in the week I was in Marshalltown, IA for work, and eating in a restuarant when a man wearing a VietNam Veteran hat sat a couple of seats down from me at the bar. I asked what branch he served in and he said the Marines and we struck up a conversation at that point. We talked about our time in service and about general items like the upcoming NCAA tournament and who we felt might be the stronger teams. He was a trucker and would be heading east in the morning and I was heading to Tama Paper to work there. As we finished our meals and drink and headed our separate ways I thanked him for his service and he thanked me for mine and then we wished each other the best the next day as we headed to work.
This sort of relationship with someone I never have met, but where we share a common bond is what service to country and the American Legion is all about. It's where like minded individuals that have served their country and come together to make sure that this nation never forgets what sacrifices our veterans make for them.
To the American Legion I wish a very Happy Birthday and to that trucker I met, keep it between the lines good buddy, 10-4 and God Bless. And to all you veterans Thank you for your service!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2012 SAL Raffle Calender Fundraiser

The Lena Sons of The American Legion are currently selling their 2012 Raffle Calenders. Sales are limited to 800 and will end June 30th. Contact Scott Olberding or any SAL member if you would like to participate. Funds raised go to support various Veterans projects locally. You can also e-mail us at for additional information

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Legion Work Day Rescheduled for February 4th


Because of the snow we have rescheduled our Work Day at the Legion for Saturday, February 4th at 9:30 am to wax the floors. If you would like to relive those days of running a floor buffer or waxing the floors show up then. If you just want to show up to give morale support that is fine also. See you February 4th.

Also some upcoming dates to remember. We will be presenting colors at the following basketball games:

Saturday, January 28 - Girls Game around 6:50 pm.

Tuesday, February 14 - Boys Game around 6:50 pm.

Any questions regarding this contact Bob Bussian 815-369-4245.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Blog Update

I want to welcome the SAL (Sons of the American Legion) group to the blog. I have given them permission to add posts and as you may notice the previous post tells about the post-Christmas Christmas Party they are hosting for us this coming Sunday at Coach's. I encourage all members that can make it, please come and show your appreciation for the SAL hosting this event.

Also I've added a couple of new features to this blog;
1) I've now got a counter so as to see how many visits we are getting to our blog.
2) I've also added an "Follow by Email" link, which when you enter your email address and then confirm the email sent to you, you will then be notified via email when any new posts are added to the blog.

As always this is your blog and I ask all to comment if you find it useful and informative.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lena Legion Post Christmas Party January 15th

The Lena Squadron of The Sons of The American Legion will be hosting a postwide post-Christmas Party at Coach's Golf and Grill this Sunday, January 15th starting at 5:00 p.m. with a meet and greet hour. We will eat at 6:00 p.m. The Lena Sons will provide food and non-alcoholic beverages for all members of the Lena American Legion Family (Legion, Auxiliary, and Sons) and a guest. Hope to see you all there.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Legion Auxiliary Winterfest Activities

As the year begins the Legion's Auxiliary group is sponsoring many activities during Lena's Winterfest Weekend. Please attend one of these events or help out if asked.

Friday, January 13 - 4:30 PM
Chili Supper at the Legion
$6 for Adults - $4 ages 3-11

Saturday, January 14
Pie Baking Contest
Those entering pies should have them there by 10:30 AM

Sunday, January 15
Soup Testing
Over 15 different soups can be tested
Soup and dessert for $6

For more information call 233-9078

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lena American Legion Blog

Welcome to the Veterans Voice of Lena, IL. I've set this up to be an interactive blog so as to get input from Lena American Legion family members and veterans in the Lena area to see what their interests are. So if you have suggestions for our Sprague-Inman Post 577 or if you just have comments in general about veteran issues this is your blog. Feel free to comment on this site. I do ask that you try and keep your comments positive and not derogatory to our men and women in uniform, our country or to our Legion Post.

As always, if you are a veteran and would like to join our post we would be glad to have you. As it stands we are the LARGEST post in Stephenson County and one of the most active. Feel free to call us at the phone number listed on the website or email us.

Welcome to the Veterans Voice of Lena, IL!